Once you start getting good at Irish Dance you can compete in a feis. A feis is an Irish Dance competition. There are many levels to compete in, but during your first feis you’ll be starting at the beginner’s level with basic dance steps. Then, when you get to be much better dancer, you can compete in the novice and prizewinning levels. Next thing you know you’re competing in the regionals and Oireachats. Once you become the best dancer you can be, it’s time to compete in the World Championships in Ireland, and the North American Championships in the United States. After competing in these competitions, yeah, you can call yourself good!
Levels of Irish Dance Competitions: Start beginner, advanced beginner, novice, prizewinner, preliminary, championship, finally, and Open Championship.
Levels of Irish Dance Competitions: Start beginner, advanced beginner, novice, prizewinner, preliminary, championship, finally, and Open Championship.